Imperial College Business School, 2023
Project Lead, Digital Health Platform Development: Led the creation of MenPlan, a digital platform designed to promote gender equality and align with UN SDG Goals 1, 3, and 5. The platform offers a male contraceptive implant and a digital ecosystem for managing reproductive health.
Strategic Planning: Spearheaded market analysis and strategic planning, identifying a significant market gap for male contraceptive options, securing MenPlan’s first-mover advantage.
Data-Driven Insights: Conducted comprehensive research on market trends and competitive landscape to guide the development of the product and platform features.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Worked closely with a multidisciplinary team to develop a robust business plan, covering market opportunity, value proposition, and go-to-market strategy.
Platform Design: Contributed to the design of a user-friendly digital platform that enhances interaction, health tracking, and communication between users and healthcare providers, leveraging network effects for adoption.
Impact: Demonstrated MenPlan’s potential to disrupt the contraceptive market with a scalable, sustainable, and socially impactful solution.

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